Check out Our New Case Study: Subway Restaurant Fire Restoration

Check out Our New Case Study: Subway Restaurant Fire Restoration


Check out Our New Case Study: Subway Restaurant Fire Restoration

When a fire leaves a business unable to function, it’s crucial to call in the experts to restore the damaged areas and get back to serving customers as quickly as possible. That’s why a restoration company called the professionals at Wickens after a Subway restaurant in Burlington experienced serious fire damage.

A light dry ice blasting was performed on the walls, followed by a spray application of smoke seal with BIN white shellac primer.

Read the full case study here to learn more about the fire restoration process and results.

Wickens Dry Ice Blasting tackles the toughest jobs across Ontario, offering fire restoration, mould remediation, asbestos abatement, lead paint abatement, and more. Contact us today for a consultation or emergency service!

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